Avatar collection, call to all artists [Completed]

Looking good.

@eugenefinch Thank you, Eugene. On that note, I will keep improving upon the design. I have seen the Reddit post of the base concepts and how the landscape is being stylized. I like them. I will try to push my design to help with the creation of a more coherent visual theme. While doing that, I will be taking into consideration Mars’ low gravity and the imminent conflict with the rogue AI colony populated by androids and robots. Hence I am also thinking about how AI would mutate the human-engineered self-aware and self-replicating androids-robots. ( potential of a separate set of NFTs) For example, an AI-controlled swarm of robots might be able to move much faster than the human eye can perceive. Implications of nanotechnologies, infrastructure to power, and maintain quantum computer\s where AI resides so on so forth. And whole a lot of possibilities at Mars’ low orbit.

My reasons for planning to put considerable time and effort into this self-assigned project are;

Primarily, I trust the Harmony team and any project closely associated and with the potential to thrive in their ecosystem. I get the same sense from the Mars Colony team. And I am rooting for you guys. I wish I have purchased more than one plot before they were out of my price range.

Secondarily, If I can not have a direct contribution to the design process which I am sure many talented and capable artists are already involved with, at the least I might be able to influence the trajectory of the developing storyline and maybe come up with my own NFTs/paraphernalia which might give me liquidity of assets in future inter-colony commerce in Mars economy. One can dream, right :slight_smile:

I will eventually create articulated 3d versions of my designs in Blender. I also have an extensive experience with Maya and Zbrush too. Not to brag :wink:

BTW, Although I have not studied the mechanics of the auto-generated NFTs, since I have good experience with some programming and scripting languages I have a notion of how it’s being achieved. Hence my designs will be able to be easily modified and mutated to generate as many variations as needed by mixing matching layers of attributes.

Cheessuss! I think I got carried away. Cart before the horse. Anyway, regardless this is also a good way to organize my thoughts and maybe get some feedback.

Cheers, till I post the next iterations, worth sharing.


Hey, like your style and idea sounds awesome, I wish we had a chance to catch up with you earlier.

We are also working in blender, so maybe lets keep in touch. We will be needing more teammates hopefully in future iterations, and we can chat with you further on this.

Hey Martians,

It was hard for us, as everyone’s work is unique and impressive. We even thought about getting all of you on board to create a combined collection, but at the end of the day, we decided to go with a single artist to ensure the unified style across our avatar collection and game-fi graphics.

I hope we can have a chance to cooperate with you all in the subsequent versions of the game-fi.

For this collection, we have selected @WollyMammoth for a few reasons:

  • His style and point of view matches our vision and game-fi directions;
  • He has extensive experience working in militar science and sci-fi 3d games which is quite relevant to what we’re working on;
  • Based on initial brainstorming, there seems to be a great dynamic between our team and @WollyMammoth, and I hope we will produce something great together.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who took part in this process.

Stay tuned, we will be sharing our sample avatars soon, and we look forward to hearing your feedback on this.


Can you post an official demo post?

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Congratulations @WollyMammoth ! :partying_face:

Congratulations @WollyMammoth :tada::clap:

Yes his work looks really amazing, I would love to see that style on the avatars. @WollyMammoth Congratulations!


Congrats @WollyMammoth !

Good chois
Congratulations @WollyMammoth

Are you hiring him onto the team or is this just a one time project? Would love to see an artist on board as a permanent team member!

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Where’s @WollyMammoth’s work? Show it.

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Just scrolled back. Good choice, I like the minimalist look

@eugenefinch Sounds good Eugene. I would love to contribute to this awesome project. In the meantime, I will keep doing my own thing. And congratulations @WollyMammoth. I hope it will be a satisfying experience for you. Good luck.

Awesome, the cyber punk colony collection is nice :rocket:

Sure @BattalBoke hit me up on telegram @eugenefinch.

Thank you so much! Humbled for getting the opportunity to contribute to designing avatars for our MarsColony project. All the artworks posted here are remarkable and really inspiring since day one. I can’t describe the feeling of getting the love and constant support from the MarsColony team plus everyone here. Hope to match the hard work and dedication of our great community and help produce good work together.


Thank you @zuidwind1 :slight_smile:

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Thank you - also to @ImpactFrames, @SilentRage, @kurtstack, @BattalBoke, and everyone. Sorry - limited to 3 replies consecutively at this moment :slight_smile:


Congratulations and good luck @WollyMammoth

And to say goodbye to the Martian, I am sending this picture :slight_smile: