Avatar collection, call to all artists [Completed]

Thanks to all artists who took part in the development of avatars. All of them were amazing and we decided to award the 8 most rated designs.









Please, write your wallet address to receive the reward!


Thanks, and congrats to everyone~ :smile:


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Congrats to everyone :100:

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Thank you and Congrats everyone.

Has anyone received a reward?

And if we have have avatar collection from @WollyMammoth, when we will use them in MarsColony?

These avatars are the vision of our community. In the further game, avatars developed by our team will appear.









Sorry guys, we still haven’t sent you a reward because we had a problem confirming the transaction. We remember you and are gonna send CLNY as soon as possible.

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Don’t worry we never expected a reward. It is very kind of you and the community to give this to us. I am thankful.

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Thank you guys for all your hard work. Just sent it to everyone.


Thank you, I have received mine an it went onto plot upgrade :blush::fire: