Thanks for sharing your points. And my bad for not getting back to you right after AMA.
Perhaps, we need to re-think passive/active income split.
As you mentioned during AMA, 50/50 split can be a good option, where 50% of land upgrades generate passive only income and the rest 50% is allocated to missions. Is that something you were referring to?
I should clarify on “input.” Engagement would have been a better choice of words, but a lack of engagement has resulted in a lack of input. I am not saying that there is no forum for community input (this is obviously one). I’m saying that there is no process for actualizing community input. We complain and moan on a message board, but there is no value in that. And most just stay silent.
So I see there is a governance system now to actually have these ideas go through a process. That’s what we need. But again, we need input on the story. See my other posts about narrative. We need to be able to contribute not to gameplay, but to the narrative of Mars. Gameplay contribution is shallow. Narrative contribution is deep. Right now, the only engagement and input comes in the form of completing missions. We need a deeper form of input. We need to be able to collectively contribute to the direction of this story.
I’ve mentioned other projects that do this well. I don’t want to name them here because I don’t want to shill them. But if you’re interested in what I mean, let me know.