GitHub current state

mining branch in contracts merged into master

actually there are gears and oracle (for clny-usd rate)

An update merged to the avatar server: multichain (already on prod) and a batch data endpoint for our app

Frontend app is open source now!

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Backend is open source now!
This backend app is for missions, profile and ready for scaling

Also. As you can see, while selecting land plots on polygon and mumbai, they are reserved globally and are not able for buying for other users for some time

A separate backend app is used for this:

Now open source, too

Besides do you know that we have own oracles?
Currently they are used for fetching clny price to let the frontend app know opening prices

And as for polygon - we get prices fully onchain. But due to harmony depeg we had to get the data offchain

Our oracle is used for this - open source from now

P.S. oracle contracts are here: contracts/contracts at master · marscolony-io/contracts · GitHub

MarsColony Gears Metaserver - opensourced, too

Legacy poll contract that isn’t used anymore

But open source now, too