In my opinion we don't really need cex listing. At least in this moment

The project is only 1 week old, it’s still lacking a lot of feature so it would not make sense to get it listed on a cex, and I doubt anyone will go to cex to buy clny in order to upgrade their plot anyway.


Totally agreed. And CLNY is governance token for the game, it s a non sense if a cex hold this :thinking:


Thrice, lets at least get the some things built out before considering a CEX.

Hi :wave:t2:
I’m obviously not following… Where was listing on cex recommended? I don’t like it as an idea. There’s no need for $CLNY to go outside the sushi and viper, at least for now.

@andi , it was proposed here:

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Thanks, I wrote my opinion on that topic.

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