[Instruction] How to add Harmony Test net to Metamask

Add Harmony Testnet to Metamask

  1. Open your Metamask by clicking on web browser extension. If you don’t have it yet, get MetaMask extension here →

  1. Click on the “Ethereum mainnet” field (2), you will see drop down menu with supported networks. Scroll down and click Add Network button (2.1)

  1. You will see add Network form
    Fill it with the information below:

    Network Name: Harmony Testnet
    New RPC URL: https://api.s0.b.hmny.io
    Chain ID: 1666700000
    Currency symbol: ONE
    Block Explorer URL: https://explorer.pops.one/

  2. Then click Save!

  3. Open Metamask again and chose Harmony Testet for further actions

Congratulations The Harmony test net is in your metamask! :partying_face: :tada: :confetti_ball: