Monthly product review May 2022

I don’t think the referral program will do anything. You could have just held a communety vote to see that it wouldn’t do anything. You could save yourself all that work. And in general I found that the community is no longer allowed to have a say.

Yes and I know that there will be no reaction to my comment.

I react to it, but really don’t want to with such an attitude.
Forum is still live and everybody is welcome to discuss

I don’t think the referral program will do anything

let’s see, why?

Please don’t get me wrong, I have supported both projects from the beginning and have contributed a great deal financially to the project. I don’t want to spread negative vibes here. I think things like the referral program should be discussed by the community. I hope it brings something and would be happy about it. As I said, I still believe strongly in the project. But I think that you should get the community involved more, we certainly have good ideas and there is also security when you know that you can also have a say in decisions. Thanks for the feedback.

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Weekly product update:

8th sprint is over and here’s what happened:

  1. Referral program was released. Explanation post is here.

  2. Statistics in header on polygon app was released.

  3. In-app music on both apps was released too.

  4. Overall UI revamp is in progress.

  5. Backend for mining mission will be in progress soon.

By the way, our CTO @MEMOLOGICAL_EXPEDITI have published a proposal about CLNY bridging so you can check it out.


Weekly product update:

9th sprint is over and here’s the updates:

  1. Frontend architecture revamp has finished and now it’s time for UI revamp implementation.

  2. Backend was transferred from Redis to Postgres and now ready for mining mission backend development and higher workloads.

  3. Mining mission UI design has started.

  4. Also polygon app avatars minting preparation has started.


No one will mint any thing ,wen the liquidity for matic pclny you make good money time to reword the community.

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I disagree, I will be purchasing avatars.

Would rather it be done in accumulated pCLNY but totally understand if it needs to be non-native.

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Wen AMA. ITS been years :laughing: :rofl: :joy:

We’re holding AMAs on the first week of the month, last month we had one and so we will have on this. AMA will be tomorrow at 16:00 UTC / 12:00 ET time. :slightly_smiling_face:


Will this be recorded. As i have to travel all day tomorrow…?


Was it recorded? I couldn’t tune in because of the timing.

We were able to record only audio. Will publish soon.

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