Monthly product update: September 22

Hello Martians!

It’s time to share our goals and achievements that were accomplished in September.

Top product releases:

  1. Mining mission playable model. We have deployed a testnet with a full mining mission userflow which you can try right now without wallet connection here (but without backend at this moment).

  2. UI additions which includes new wallet ui, avatar filtering and mini-landing home page with polygon statistics (check here).

  3. Full app analytics revamp on all the chains (including testnet chains) for smooth and clear data collection.

Product objectives for October:

User engagement:

We’re still working on user engagement features such as:

  1. User profile

  2. Leaderboard

  3. Colony development score

  4. Mining mission release

  5. Free-to-play [to be updated with more information]

  6. Rewards slashing [to be updated with more information]


Any reason why emissions are different on Polygon than Harmony and will the rewards slashing bring the emissions more in-line?

Maybe next week this will be answered?

The engagement by the team has been terrible. No vision here anymore. No story. No nothing. We’ve been stranded on Mars.

Weekly product update:

19th Sprint is over and here’s the updates:

  1. Base station missions on polygon were released with full rewards (XP, pCLNY, UCRs). Utility crates unlocking will be available by the end of the week.

  2. Mining mission backend was fully integrated and now it’s time to integrate smart contracts and test everything out. Wait for the testnet!

  3. User profile UI is finished and backend is in progress now.

  4. We’re adding some small additions to the leaderboard UI design and making rewards slashing UI design.

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Weekly product update:

20th Sprint is over and here’s the updates:

  1. Mining mission is almost fully tested and last small fixes are being implemented.

  2. Profile backend is still in progress.

  3. Within the profile release or earlier we will introduce day-to-day signs - wallet sign that should be confirmed only once a day to perform any amount of missions or change profile information.

  4. Leaderboard UI is finished and waiting for backend development.

  5. We have also started working on multichain app design.

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Weekly product update:

21th Sprint is over and here’s the updates:

  1. Mining mission was released! Read more about it in this article.

  2. Day to day signs are in progress and will be implemented soon (this means that you will need only one message sign in metamask once every 24 hours to perform as many missions as you want).

  3. User profile is in progress too (frontend part is finished, backend is in progress).

  4. And the final thing is that NFT rewards for Harmony chain users for Polygon lands claiming will be distributed this week. :fire: :fire:

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Awesome dev keep up the amazing work team!

Also in reference to this point:

“And the final thing is that NFT rewards for Harmony chain users for Polygon lands claiming will be distributed this week.”

Is there a post that elaborates on this or will more information be released before rewards are distributed?

Will the NFT that will be given be on Polygon or Harmony chain?

On both chains

already been two weeks no weeks update

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