I think they still have an opportunity to own land via purchase ! price is always relative to risk, reward and timing !!! Three part slider …not as much risk price will be higher … i like the natural balance that this has in business and in life!! I also think that it will be a positive not a negative my friend !!
real world scnerio is as follows, if someone invested 100k into the project, that is considered a massive stake and would require a return in rewards regardless of participation the same goes for big corporations. There is a reason why big corporations are succesful because they have a funcitioning system that allows for that. If liquidity is provided by investment through various streams the capital impact of anyone taking profits should not affect the price. But at the min becuas market cap is very low, there is no way anyone can benefit at the moment without impacting price. And if we make mandatory for them to participate then why would they sell, they’ll just milk it dry. This was the issue from the start, we need to ensure that we are able to get enough investment into the project, and the only way to do so is to make the investment oppertunity attractive to new investors. Whether it’s from a investment oppertunity perspective or a gamefi perspective, or a land owner perspective the law of money must be obeyd, Luna a blue chip invesment crumbled because of a flaw. anyone with large investments will always seek return on their investment, it is how the world works and will continue to work, becuase there is no alternative unless someone puts a billion $ into the project to allow capital growth. any investor doesn’t matter if they are land owners, or CLNY owners at some point they will look to exit if they have made a good enough return on their investment. But it is in our best intrest to ensure we are able to build mechanisms that doesn’t allow for a pump and dump scenario.
Facts! Reality!