Indifference — Weekly update 23.5.22

“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.”

— Elie Wiesel

When times are good, enjoy them. When times are bad, change them. Reacting against problems is not a problem.

It’s when you find that you don’t care that something is really wrong (unless you just need a nap).

It’s late, so I’ll wax more philosophical another time. But I’m glad you’re here. In fact, like we talked about today, I think we’re onto something.

We’re going to start organizing, and taking control of our destiny as a colony.

For now, though, take a look at what the team has been up to:


:white_check_mark: — We launched the DEX finally! A tutorial for migrating liquidity and other features will come soon.

:white_check_mark: — Liquidity provision and staking are still two separate process, as you now have the ability to add liquidity pools independently, though not all pools will be subsidized with rewards.

:white_check_mark: — A teaser for the Polygon public sale is in progress, as well as a Polygon partnership announcement and AMA.

:white_check_mark: — Analytics (Mixpanel) has been configured for the new dashboard and mint.

:white_check_mark: — The backend and UI for NFT rewards (loot crates) are nearly finished.

:white_check_mark: — We began working on the CLNY utilization/burn pack of features, including:

  • Avatar renaming
  • Building adjustment
  • XP purchasing


:white_check_mark: — We hung out with the Harmony community and Jim and Tim in the Harmony Hangouts

:white_check_mark: — We had an exciting co-AMA with Cerebral Gaming where we talked about leveraging our power as a community in the Harmony ecosystem.

:white_check_mark: — We had a chat today about how we can organize more effectively, which is an ongoing conversation.

:white_check_mark: — We’re going to need to discuss how we want to govern ourselves, and what voting power should officially look like.

Have hope, dear Martians.

The future is up to us.


— brother


Thanks again for the update!

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Nicely said, I like it!

Please read my proposal, and let me know what all of you think about it. :v:t2:

I’m not a skeptic, just a realist. This utilization is not going to be sustainable, but it’s a good start!

Let’s work out together, as a community, on what a long term utilization can be. I’m vocal about the focus on gaming and multiplayer, and that it can bring huge utility and joy. Let’s see if that is possible and when. :blue_heart:

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Thanks for the update


Brother Jeus I love your Philosophical Side :kissing_heart: :laughing:

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