[Instruction] How to get 1000 ONE testnet tokens

Get 1000 ONE testnet tokens

  1. Go to the testnet page harmonytestnet.marscolony.io

  2. Click “Connect wallet” (1) button in the top right corner and login with Metamask (2) or WalletConnect (3)

  3. Click in the wallet address(1) and you will see the pop-up below. In the pop-up click “Copy one address” (2)

  4. Go to Harmony One Faucet

  5. Paste the address"one…" you copied in the previous step and click Send Me button

  6. In a couple of seconds check the balance in your Metamask wallet. You should see 1000 ETH or ONE tokens.

  7. Congratulations, the step is executed successfully! And don’t be scared, if you see ETH instead of ONE token. It’s a specific of Harmony Testnet.

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For what do you use these 1000 one on testnet, can be converted in real ONE or its just for test.