Mars colony..ideas continued lol

Lp and Dex obviously…Community involvement with Marketing- Clny giveaways for retweets or social media mentions or sign ups (referrals), lottery style Clny giveaways like DKF does with jewel… add liquidity to DFK …see more items in background (see Earth) moons, maybe spaceships, not too much. I’m going to Eth Denver, maybe merchandise (tshirts) we can wear and promote while there…etc

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I like the idea of using the NFT pixels of the land plots as resources. At different stages of the game certain colours of pixels (resources) will need mining to achieve the next level of the game. Land owners can either buy a mining rig to develop their land or rent it out to others for a percentage of rewards. As each NFT is varied with the amount of pixelated colours, each will benefit as different resources are needed at different times. The mining rewards can be used further the game and to either convert back to clny token or used in LP to stabilise currency.

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