Mars Colony Marketplace

This thread is dedicated to discussing the ideas for the upcoming Mars Colony native Marketplace.

Let’s get all of the ideas on the table, and create the best Marketplace, period.

Functionality Proposals

    • Let Landowners put their plots on sale for a small amount of $CLNY, which will be burned.
    • At first, prices will be in $ONE. It will be possible to use another tokens on MC Marketplace, but not at start and only with community decision.
    • There will be only one royalty – not two like in other marketplaces (there are usually marketplace royalty and collection owner royalty). This royalty will be selected to make better offer for sellers than in other marketplaces.
    • Seller, unlike buyer, will be able to select a token, which he/she receives after a sell – $CLNY or $ONE. If seller chooses $CLNY, there will be a $ONE-RCLNY swap in our DEX in the same transaction – this will increase our DEX volume and $CLNY buys. Then if seller holds $CLNY, it may make some positive moves to the market.
    • To motivate this $ONE-$CLNY deals, we are going to make a royalty discount: if the seller chooses to receive $CLNY instead of $ONE, the royalty would be up to 70% less (not sure about numbers yet, but we will make it significant).

UI Proposals

    • Plots that are on sale will be visible on a globe to everybody, and anybody will be able to buy it.
    • Plots on sell will be seen on the globe – so it is a brand new kind of market. You will see how far the plot is from yours, is it in a crater and if you could buy several plots one next to another.

Hey @andi!

Thank for the topic. We have some vision of the marketplace (actually there are two future features called ‘marketplace’)

So I’ll share it now and let’s discuss.

Firstly, own marketplaces are a great possible utility for using and burning CLNY, and we aren’t going to miss the possibility :slight_smile:

1. On-globe market

This is a feature we are going to make before a full-sized in-game marketplace. Because:

  • it is faster to deliver
  • we are going to learn from it - how to better use CLNY, make more comfortable UX an UI
  • it will help us to add more functions onto the globe – IMHO it is still functionally empty enough
  • and with the experience of delivering such kind of a market we will be ready to build well UX-friendly and reliable in-game marketplace of all our NFTs (and possibly not only)

In my next message I’ll tell more about the conception of the beta

2. In-game marketplace

The feature not to fully depend on third-side marketplaces (we are listed on NFTKEY, tofunft, as for Harmony, and no way to buy land/avatar in our app currently). Users come in our app and don’t need to leave it to get a land, avatar, crates, etc. So this is a major feature

  • We will learn from on-globe marketplace. We will find the best way to use and burn CLNY
  • We will slightly integrate it into the app
  • We won’t leave other marketplaces as we need to exist there at least for partnerships and being visible there, but we go to offer best options for users in our local app

Later today I’ll post here about the on-globe land market


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As for on-globe marketplace

It is planned now, but the priority is lower than other major things, so it will be put in roadmap later.

First version is going to be pretty simple.

Landowners will be able to put a plot on sale – it will cost a small amount of CLNY, which will be burned. I used stepn for a month and oversaw it there :slight_smile:

As they put a plot on sale, it will be shown on a globe to everybody, and anybody will be able to buy.

Prices will be in ONE for the first time – this is decided for several reasons. Users will be able to buy only with ONE too – it is possible to add another tokens, but not at start and only with community decision.

There will be only one royalty – not two like in other marketplaces (there are usually marketplace royalty and collection owner royalty). This royalty will be selected to make better offer for sellers than in other marketplaces.

Seller, unlike buyer, will be able to select a token, which he/she receives after a sell – CLNY or ONE. If seller chooses CLNY, there will be a ONE-CLNY swap in our DEX in the same transaction – this will increase our DEX volume and CLNY buys. Then if seller holds CLNY, it may make some positive moves to the market.

To motivate this ONE-CLNY deals, we are going to make a royalty discount: if the seller chooses to receive CLNY instead of ONE, the royalty would be up to 70% less (not sure about numbers yet, but we will make it significant)

After the release we will collect your opinions, experience and continue working on it. Release ETA – isn’t estimated yet. As I mentioned above, we will add it onto roadmap after current major releases and next planning

P.S. Plots on sell will be seen on the globe – so it is a brand new kind of market. You will see how far the plot is from yours, is it in a crater and if you could buy several plots one next to another

Would like to hear some feedback


very good​:+1::+1::+1:

I like all of your ideas! I’ll list all major ideas in the original post, as people are adding them. This way we can have all the ideas at one place.

I hope more people are going to show off their ideas. I’ll try to think some off them on my own. :v:t2:



For inspiration


Deamn! Those look like a promised Megastructures!

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