Official Proposal — Revenue share, resources, social economy

This is the first option in your voting prompt at

Step 1: Revenue sharing, XP leveling

At the beginning, avatars would earn XP from missions, which they use to level up their avatar (granting more stamina to complete missions, and eventually access to new tiers of upgrades, skill increases, etc).

Landowners set a revenue sharing rate for their plots (either individually or all together), which gains a percentage of all mission rewards performed on their plots and shares that percentage of their CLNY generation with the avatars that complete missions.

So if a landowner shares 20% of CLNY generation aside from the protected amount, then they receive 20% of avatar rewards.

At first, what landowners and avatars receive from mission rewards would be a portion of XP to level up their guild, but eventually would include resources and items.

Landowners will need XP for guild leveling and resources for repairs and expansions, crafting, and access to certain future features.

A base rate of CLNY generation would remain untouched (bare plot rate + first few upgrades, specifics TBD), so passive generation is protected for landowners. If a landowner hasn’t upgraded beyond the protected base rate, they will be unable to set a revenue share (because there’s no revenue to share). They will have to upgrade beyond the protected base rate to do so and earn mission rewards from revenue share.

Avatars have a stamina guage which allows them to perform a certain number of missions per day, which can be increased by levelling up.

Land plots also have a limited number of missions that can be performed on them per day, which is determined by the level of their Power Production Plant. Plots without a Power Plant can still host missions, but at the base rate which will need to be decided.

Step 2a: Avatar upgrades

With Missions v2, avatar and guild upgrades would be introduced.

Avatar upgrades would allow your avatar to increase stamina and skills (which determine the success rate of missions).

Additionally, their level upgrades would unlock higher tiers of inventory, resources, items, etc., once those are introduced with step 3.

Step 2b: Guild upgrades

Similar to avatar upgrades, guild upgrades would increase the perks a guild can access, such as next plot stages, new types of missions, new tiers of storage and crafting, new buildings and plot upgrades, etc. A high-level guild could even allow the landowner to upgrade buildings beyond level 3 in the future.

Step 3a: Resources, items, crafting, and NPC traders

Once missions and upgrades are launched, the next step is to design a wide array of resources/minerals which will be added to mission rewards, and shared with landowners based on their decided revenue sharing %.

These resources would be used to craft useful items, vehicles, tools, avatar upgrades, etc.

Players could buy and sell items from in-game NPC traders. CLNY used to purchase resources or items could be burned, or fund all sorts of things, that would be up to the community to decide as well.

Resources would also be used to repair or upgrade buildings, and used by guilds in mega-crafting and mega-building (an eventual addition to the game in which guilds of a certain level can use resources and CLNY to build entire new portions of the game in preparation for plot advances. For example, guilds would need to come together and pool resources to build a massive space station and shuttle fleet, with which they can launch to another planet in their galaxy. This is also on of many reasons we’re going with a multi-verse in cross-chain, so each colony can explore its own galaxy).

Some resources and items would be found across all blockchains, but some will be chain-specific and require users to venture to other universes to gather needed resources. At one point in the plot, far from now, there may be a mission that will require the mass cooperation of all interchain colonies in a giant construction project, battle, or something else…

Step 3b: Guild activities

Once resources are implemented, guilds can now be introduced to a variety of activities. They can trade resources between guilds, pool resources shared by their avatars to craft big items or ships, host competitions between guilds, etc. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Step 4: Interchain missions

Speaking of interchain, the final step would be to tie chains together beyond just necessary resources with missions that require interchain travel, cross-colony diplomacy, or even multiversal cooperation or conflict/competition.

This is all just an overview, so I don’t overload you with specifics. If you have questions or concerns, share them in the replies!


Why isn’t there a secondary token?

There’s no way to introduce a secondary token without it stealing from CLNY. Resources shouldn’t be treated as profit vehicles, though there will be ways to buy and sell them for CLNY.

But, treating resources as tokens and creating trading pools for them would mean organic markets inevitably create speculation around them which then leads to distraction from CLNY and a highly unstable price of resources.

We’d then get a bunch of players here during periods of high prices for resources solely looking to turn a profit, and then they’d leave and fud the project when resources are in low price periods. It’s unhealthy, and just because we’re a blockchain-based game doesn’t mean everything needs to be tokenized.

If the point is to make useful in-game items, let’s make useful in-game items, and let CLNY be the currency of the colonies, as it was intended to be.

If we divert use cases and demand from CLNY to a secondary token, it hurts everyone by making CLNY less valuable.

Why revenue sharing?

By giving landowners the ability to share their earnings in return for mission rewards, you create a highly personalizable form of interaction in the game, and allow for all sorts of subcultures to develop.

It creates a symbiotic and thriving relationship between avatars and landowners in which each benefit and share their progress, rather than one in which a greedy landowner exacts payment from an avatar who has no option but to perform missions on their land.

It’s exploitative and unstable to make avatars pay landowners just to play the game, without receiving anything tangible in return.

Just imagine if we made a large power plant on one of the poles that allowed avatars to play for free and not share their earnings? What incentive would they have to play on a landowner’s plot? Forcing avatars to play on a landowner’s land without a fair trade is just the creation of a fake problem to coerce players. With revenue sharing, landowners get to choose their offering and avatars get to weigh their options, join guilds, and participate in a growing economy while keeping the focus entirely on CLNY.

What will differentiate each chain’s planet?

Each planet will be called Mars, but due to the multiverse, will have different terrain, resources, and, possibly even lifeforms.

As such, users will need to visit or trade with other colonies across the multiverse to accomplish everything there will be to accomplish. Colonies will eventually be able to cooperate in mass-missions and exploration. Once again, the possibilities are pretty endless.