Preparing For Landing Day

Yup! Only able to mint one at a time, no limits per wallet, and first-come, first-served. You do not need to own land.

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Hey there, 21,000 is just the number of avatars, and just happens to match the number of land, but they’re separate collections. Landowners are not automatically granted avatars, it’s first-come, first-served to mint, and mint is open to everyone!


Speechless in a Good Way; Awesome job team.

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Fun times here on Mars Colony! Thanks for making it so badass!


I LOVE IT !!! This is what will set this project apart from all others !!!
This could be an AMAZING example of what it COULD be like !!!


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Excited to touch down on Martian soil!

Can chance we could get eaten by sand-worms?

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Brother, I got to tell our siblings at and our elders at

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The journey is long, need to get my feet on solid rock!

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Was logged on and could see my lands, ONE, and CLNY then at 0659 my ONE, CLNY, and lands disappeared and my screen went to “loading” in my account…never did reload so I rebooted and the mint screen came on and first avatar failed…minting limit reached. Frustrating…did this happen to anyone else?

I’ll try again in the second wave…just looking for advice if there is a way to prevent this on the next wave. Thanks!

why is my mint limited to 6 avatars

very unfair. you told us they was no limit on the number on avatars to be minted

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minting limit reached what!!!

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Kandodo…if you don’t mind sharing, what time was your last avatar minted? By the time everything rebooted and showed my lands and CLNY the minting started at 0712 EDT…that first avatar started to mint and then failed. Got a script minting limit reached. When I tried immediately after that the script popped up without any attempt to mint. I infer that all 7000 in that first wave sold out right at 0712 EDT. If you minted your last after that…then I don’t understand what happened…but if your 6th avatar minted around then you may have gotten the last in the wave.

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Just hit the 7000 limit for the first wave, that is all. I was able to mint 9, so there is no limit to the number you can mint, I think the network was just slow this morning.

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Well the good news is there is a lot of interest…bodes well for the project. I was just on the wrong side of the lucky horseshoe this morning I guess… Glad the dev team split the landings into waves though…makes it more equitable in the end. Congrats on your 9 Magnus.


I agree, and the aftermarket on NFTKey looks pretty good already. I will say that once I minted the first couple, I closed the mint screen, refreshed the webpage and minted again. I was checking MM to see if the transactions were in progress, and they all went through. Maybe try that next time so you aren’t waiting for each one to complete. 7:12 was the time that it was full, so I wish you luck at 3 today, and hope you can grab some!

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Magnus better luck today with the second wave…was able to mint 8 and my account never locked up. All the best…looks like the wave was exhausted in 5 minutes.

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Great news, congrats! I was able to land a few more, and a couple of 9 attributes, which seem to be pretty rare. No purple backgrounds unfortunately. One more go at 11 tonight, should be gone in another 5 minutes or less.

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I got 2 in the final drop! How do we check the stats of our avatars though? Not clear to me.

Edit: checked it on NFTKEY but would be awesome to be able to see stats in game!

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