Problems & Solutions

Exactly my point :smiley:

Don’t think this is good idea to close external marketplaces. They give additional exposure and popularity and another way for someone to jump into the project.

But having additional intrenal marketplace for all NFTs would certainly be nice. Also marketplace comissions could be shared for ones who are staking CLNY for example thus giving additional utility to CLNY.


Need more time for this, but it is coming :slight_smile:

Yep and more utilization is coming.

I like this idea. It was also mentioned in the initial WP proposal. Lets discuss priority for it and bring into the road map.

Hey @andi, yes, it makes sense :fire: Last night we were talking with @MEMOLOGICAL_EXPEDITI about the Marketplace as well. @andi could you please create a new thread to discuss MarsColony NFT marketplace and we can discuss other all attributes, define priority how it will look like and move it forward.

Regarding external marketplaces. I don’t think that we should remove it, coz it brings finance inflow to the landlords and makes to keep it available for the external users.

On another side when we will have MarsColony marketplace, we can make conditions much more attractive than externals. For example drive fees generated by the marketplace to the Community Treasury.

Last but not least, if @andi creates an proposal post for the marketplace, lets discuss all conditions there and then propose final version to the dev team.

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Sure @father I will do it. It makes sense to have a separate thread for it. I will just create it for now, and join the discussion from tomorrow, because I have a busy day today. :smiley:

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Here is the new thread for the Marketplace discussion:

As I said, I will not be able to create a rich intro at the moment, but I just wanted to start the thread as soon as possible, because I’m sure there are a lot of other Martians that have ideas to share.