Questioning PlanetIX collaboration

Hello Martians,

Following the announcement of Partnership with PlanetIX I’ve checked out their online presence and tried to research what’s up with them. I’ve came across a video explaining how behind the PlanetIX is a mother-company Crowd1 which, by the words of the person talking about them, is notoriously known to be running scam after scam. Here’s the video of someone talking about them: Planet IX - Crowd 1 and the EARTH Scam - YouTube

I’m encouraging you all to take a more detailed look at the PlanetIX and Crowd1 before any collaboration happens.

Andi :v:t2:


Great points, however how far from “s”-word MC itself now? Just sayin’ :smile:

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No response to this? Even if it’s just a, “We’re looking into it?”

Speaking of no responses, has anyone heard anything from @eugenefinch in a while? I feel like he hasn’t posted anything in a while on Discord or Twitter or here. Seems like the others on the team are doing all the communication. Odd.

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Yes, it’s gotten worse lately. Sometimes the communication works for a week, then nothing again.

He’s relatively active on Discord and I think he’s kind of MC CEO now. I would rather notice that great mastermind @father is absolutely silent for a lo-o-ong time now. I think he is out of the project now. Many other people left including lead artist @MARX ig.
This project is fighting last fight for own existense. Either it will get some sort of VC money to boost or not. Now they are scraping anything they could so they could continue as long as they could in search for vc. Not the worst tactics ig.

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