(Semi-proposal) Expand colonization to Mars’ two moons

Mars has two moons Deimos and Phobos.

I don’t have a complete concept for how to utilize them but it would be great if they were used somehow in the future. If you like the idea let’s build on it together.

Perhaps land plots could be purchased on these moons, the amount of which would be relative to their comparative size to Mars so if one of the moons is a tenth the size of Mars then only 2,100 plots would be available. They could mint CLNY or maybe a new token with a unique utility.

Just the start of an idea. Let me know what you think. :smiley:


I like this idea. I would support this if this was limited in clny production as to not take away from the original design of the tokenomics. Fractional production that could be upgraded to say 25% of the production upgrades on Mars. Would require a spaceport from Mars to “simulate travel between colonies”? Identify which plot “colony space port” they are tied to , in order to bring resources back to mars for consumption. Some sort of tax for land owner on mars as an added incentive to get a spaceport built for additional revenue. In order to curb whaling this, limit each spaceport to 1 per upgrade with a max upgrade of 3 levels. Is my initial thought.

This is a great idea.

I haven’t spoken with other team members yet so these are just my opinions, but it seems like an asset to sit on and wait for the right timing. When all the core features of the game are launched and we’ve done a hot launch on a bigger blockchain, there will need to be more land available to new users. It would also provide an opportunity to begin integrating the foundations for interplanetary travel.

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I would worry that you are oversaturating a market with “plots” before there is any gamification and liquidity mining and other DEX features. You guys crushed the original land rush don’t be in a hurry to move away from your original idea’s. This project could fall apart if all the game ends up being is first in first out of land (pump and dump).

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Thanks for the feedback. Yes I wouldn’t want it to upset the tokenomics so maybe instead of minting CLNY you are able to mine rare resources that have unique applications on Mars. I love the idea of needing to build a spaceport in order to get there in the first place. And the upgrades needed to obtain a spaceport could be purchased with CLNY which would then be burned. I suppose the incentive would be that the resources mined from one of the two moons allow you to create things that are minted as NFTs and could be sold at the marketplace. Definitely an idea for down the road. It’s just fun to think of the possibilities.

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I agree with your point, which is why I suggested this is an idea we should sit on until the time is right. I think it will become clear when expansion is necessary, but right now we’ve got plenty to build out first.


Yes sir, I’m glad you like the idea. Can’t wait to see this project grow.

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