Weekly Update 14.2.22

What’s been going on in the Mars Colonies this week?

Hey everyone, here’s a short-and-sweet, definitely-not-too-much-talking, shorter-than-20-minutes-per-answer weekly update! If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to reply with them below.


:white_check_mark: — We finished building/base designs

:white_check_mark: — App navigation flow is in progress

:white_check_mark: — The Avatar collection is in progress

:white_check_mark: — We officially selected the MC game engine

:white_check_mark: — The ability to select objects on the MC map is being developed

:white_check_mark: — Character navigation on the map is in progress

:white_check_mark: — The logic of placing objects in different spots on your land is being explored

:white_check_mark: — The gameplay and narrative are being written

:white_check_mark: — The DEX is in progress and slated to release by March 1st (probably)


:white_check_mark: — We’re preparing for a Harmony meetup in Kyiv, Ukraine

:white_check_mark: — We announced stage 1 of community roles

:white_check_mark: — We’re in talks with WenLambo and others about co-AMAs

:white_check_mark: — We prepared a co-AMA with ONTO wallet

:white_check_mark: — We onboarded community moderators in Discord, Telegram happening today/tomorrow

:white_check_mark: — We’re streamlining Discord channels for ease of use

:white_check_mark: — We had multiple informal AMAs/hangout sessions in Discord, thanks to everyone who came to chat!

:white_check_mark: — We made progress on the soon-to-be-posted Martian Library of resources and Mars Colony historical narrative

:white_check_mark: — We’re going to ETHDenver this week

And of course, plenty more long-term developments are in progress. We’re deliberating the final details of our next step in cross-chain colonization, including which chain is next, and what honoring the original Mars Colony could look like in that process (a discussion which will soon involve you!).

Thanks for being fun, active community members! Keep sharing your thoughts and questions with us as we move

forward :v:



Love the update. The team is killing it!



:white_check_mark: — We’re preparing for a Harmony meetup in Kyiv, Ukraine

isn’t Ukraine under siege ?


love it


Awesome love the update! I’m still curious about expansion talks so early in development but I have faith that we will see all this functionality come to Mars before attempting to replicate an unfinished project.

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thanks guys. youve got our support. Keep building

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Great updates, future is bright :sunglasses:

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Thanks for the updates!


Yea thought about the same, maybe waiting a bit before doing this meeting.

The problems with Ukraine is very far from Kyiv… 200 Miles away.

Amazing work! Keep it up!

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No, it’s not under siege (yet anyway). It’s also not our meetup, just one we’re presenting at. It’s a Harmony meetup.

Great updates, excited for the new developments… Keep it up Team great job :clap:

Absolutely legendary!

Non j’en reviens on s’est bien amusés

which game engine has been selected?

A couple of us will be at EthDenver if anyone else is going reach out :sunglasses:

OMG so much hopium, i’m so bullish right now i want to see my upgrades on the map soooon !!!

Loving these weekly updates, keeps is informed on the progress! Big ups to the team!