Weekly Update 21.2.22


:white_check_mark: — We finished designing buildings (interior and exterior) and their animations.

:white_check_mark: — We continued developing the navigation logic and other game mechanics.

:white_check_mark: — We began designing in-game quests.

:white_check_mark: — We continued developing the ability to settle land, place and upgrade buildings, and transact in-game.

:white_check_mark: — We finalized the main attributes of Avatars and the main features of the collection.

:white_check_mark: — We progressed further down the roadmap! The DEX, Avatars, and basic gameplay mechanics are all currently slated for March.


:white_check_mark: — Nikita gave a great presentation at the Harmony meetup in Kyiv!

:white_check_mark: — We rewarded the avatar artists and the AMA question winners.

:white_check_mark: — We held a Reddit AMA with ONTO wallet.

:white_check_mark: — We’re having a Twitter AMA

:white_check_mark: — We published So, Who’s the Core Team?

:white_check_mark: — We’re announcing the winners of the Discord pet competition tomorrow!

:white_check_mark:Avatar sneak peeks have begun.

:white_check_mark: — [Father] and I took over ETHDenver with the Harmony team.

As for non-bulletable points, we’ve continued progress on the DEX and are deliberating the final details of Avatar minting. We’re also debating multiple chains for the next stage of colonization, and the ways you original landowners can participate and benefit.

forward :v:



why multiple chain bro ?
please do some work here


Woohoo! Great update. :partying_face:

Can we still plan for an avatar drop around mid- to late-March? This is helpful to know so I can start saving CLNY for the drop instead of buying upgrades.

Thanks for the weekly update, by the way.

Forward. :v::sunglasses:


Consider Cosmos and NEAR Protocol for multichain and airdrop to current landholders of respective token in proportion to land handholdings.

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Also a big fan of the Near protocol!

ch0nk ㅤㅤㅤ

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Nothing wrong with thinking about the future. He didn’t say that multi-chain was going to happen before we have a game on harmony.

Great updates as usual, great team :rocket:

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Yea , if they followed the lasts ama they would know

First iterations will come on march. Really exciting news. Please show preview of the buildings and mechanics too. LFG​:rocket::alien:


Can I wonder when will the game story line come out?

LETS ROLL!!! This has ssoooo MUCH potential … Think about it starting with Land rather the others add it later! makes so much more opportunity!

Can’t wait for the in-game quests! That’s what’s going to drive the Martians.

Forward :v:t2:

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I really like the update. One thing I would like to have available is the ability to upgrade from the globe as we were before. If upgrading multiple plots, if I can avoid going into each one that would be awesome. Love the details in the detailed view.