Weekly Update 24.1.22

Maybe. Probably not. But Maybe.


As one of the top influencers I would like to be given prior notice to formal announcements. I don’t think that’s too much to ask. Everyone wins. I hype up the announcement to my 70 followers, they get excited, the buzz spreads like wildfire and everyone’s happy.

Insider trading? No way. I call it pre-communication. And if I happen to buy some $CLNY before the announcement then I guess I’m just lucky. Kind of like Bill Gates when he bought a ton of BioNTech stock in Sep 2019. It’s just coincidence!

Joking. Hopefully that’s clear. Except for the Gates thing… that’s real.

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I died at “70 followers”.

Hey, it’s more than I’ve got on this account.


You’ll get there my friend.

I don’t think it’s that bad for an account that’s two days old lol I’ve been posting like a lunatic though. I’ll be waiting for my top $CLNY shill award.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
About time someone started making sense :slight_smile:
I have 191 followers. 192 of which appreciate my fixation on things that they are or should be early to.
All funny har har’s aside. I’m very happy with the launch of this project and the community consultation along the way. There are so many aspects to this project and it’s creators that show we are a part of something very special.
I’m looking forward to looking back in a months time to see where we are. This project is moving safely at light speed.
Thanks again to everyone who is working so hard from the team to the community. Everyone wants this to work. Everybody wins.