Weekly Update 24.1.22

Weekly Update - January 24, 2022

Hey everyone,

I’m here to give a brief update on the most notable parts of what’s been done over the past week. I was not directly involved with each task, so please tag the owner of the task if you have questions. If I misrepresented the work you did, don’t hesitate to let me know.


:white_check_mark:@brother has landed. The Mars team is growing.

:white_check_mark:@brother began market research and communication roadmap/strategy.

:white_check_mark:@father finalized the staking design flow and logic (to be published shortly).

:white_check_mark:@father began building a plan for the next tools in the colony economy, including a DEX, stablecoin, lending program, etc.

:white_check_mark:@eugenefinch laid out the colony GameFi proposal.

:white_check_mark:@eugenefinch completed onboarding of new hires and updated the roadmap.

:white_check_mark:@eugenefinch and @nikita_live91 put out a call for NFT artists, to make progress toward NFT character integrations.

:white_check_mark:@Lyagushka and @nikita_live91 executed and paid out the Gleam airdrop campaign.

:white_check_mark:@MEMOLOGICAL_EXPEDITI burned 100,000 CLNY used for kickstarting liquidity.

:white_check_mark:@MEMOLOGICAL_EXPEDITI made progress on liquidity mining contracts and the UX of the Mars Colony app.

:white_check_mark: — Community contributor @fnatiq (on Discord) updated Discord and Telegram price bots for plot floor price, upgraded plot price comparisons, available plot quantity, and more.

:white_check_mark: — Community contributor @Paradox (on Discord) added CLNY and floor price token bots to the Discord side panel.

This is not an exhaustive list, so if you don’t see something you asked/did, that doesn’t mean we’re not working on it. Feel free to reply to this with updates of your own or things you feel were missed.





nice job bro
love seeing the team continue build.

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In regards to the “call for artists” I think some thought needs to go into using some treasury funds to hire a real professional creative artist to create a unique and on-brand NFT line for Mars that is not a copy-paste of what other projects have done. If this is only left to the community then the quality may suffer and we really need the characters to bring new players on board. There may be some surprisingly good entries in the contest but I have not seen any so far, this needs to be done right and we don’t want to be stuck picking the best out of group of poor designs, just because the community submitted them.


Let’s keep the work family! I’m with you 100%. Everyday loving mars even more :blue_heart:

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I agree with this. I haven’t seen anything that great so far and some thought needs to go into the basic design and the ability to customize your character with periodic releases of new spacesuits and other modifications. I personally would like to see enough customization available that every avatar is more or less unique.

Great progress so far though team! You guys are awesome. Thanks for the update. :rocket:


Another great week of progress. :v::sunglasses:

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Great work team! Can’t wait for Liquidity Pools to start! Thanks for the update.

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Thanks for the weekly update!

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Wen LP?
Wen LP?
Wen LP?
Wen LP?

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Depends where you are in the universe. Could be next week, could be last year. Time is a funny thing.


According to screenshots with the dev’s getting around it was 2 days ago.
Unless I’m on a large object near a black hole experiencing time dilation.


Haha glad to see you have a good sense of humor, my sarcasm doesn’t make me too many friends.

To be honest, I don’t yet know. I asked at a meeting but our head dev wasn’t present. Just need his response once he wakes up. Should have an updated ETA within a day.

I do know that creating a safe LP is something we’re taking cautiously, so it may have been pushed back a week. But that’s mostly speculation on my part based on some comms I’ve had over the last two days. I’ll let you guys know as soon as I do.


Thanks Brother :slight_smile:
I see what your saying about ensuring it’s safe before launching. And I guess the markets stablising would be a better time for launch as well.
I got a bit excited when I saw screenshots from the dev’s and I start promoting the hell out of it on Twitter. I guess I should have waited for the official announcement.
CLNY to the mars!


Waiting for Mother and Sister to join… awesome to see growth in the team! A solid team, a solid community and the rest is gravy.


Wen LP?
Wen LP?
Wen LP?
Wen LP?
Wen LP?

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According to feedback I got today from @MEMOLOGICAL_EXPEDITI, should actually be the end of this week. Which, when you allow for unforseen challenges, means by next week.

But, probably this week.


Almost certainly.



Could you maybe but sort of possibly give us any details about the LP?
Kind of sort of maybe not really?
Pretty good not bad

Pretty probably this information is still a secret, but maybe but not really you will get it once it could be actually released.
Many probably thanks.

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But I am your best good influencer. :innocent:
Can you give just an itty bitty tiny lil bit of gossip?
Just a lil tease?
A smidgent of that scrumptious LP secrecy?
Just a taste maaan.
:sweat_smile: :rofl:


Maybe @brother will give you mercy :grin: