Weekly Update 7.2.22

Hey Martians! If you’ve been active in Discord, you’re probably already somewhat clued in to what we’re working on. In case you’re not, here’s what we’ve been up to this past week:


:white_check_mark: — LP is live! Here’s how to use it. This was a two-step process last week, an external review and smart contract deployment. A further agency audit has been set for March.

:white_check_mark: — We started building the Mars Colony DEX! ETA is still TBA.

:white_check_mark: — GameFi graphics got initial designs by our new graphic architect, Illia.

:white_check_mark: — We added terrain to the Mars land view designs.

:white_check_mark: — We finished designs for the next iteration of buildings on Mars, including base stations, power plants, and transport.

:white_check_mark: — We finalized the Mars avatar prompt and shortlisted artists for final selection.


:white_check_mark: — We held a meme competition. Congrats to the winner @gorgitko!

:white_check_mark: — Community moderators have been nominated and voting has commenced.

:white_check_mark: — We partnered with the TofuNFT marketplace.

:white_check_mark: — We joined MatrrixDAO’s Grant Show in Twitter Spaces.

:white_check_mark: — We planned the next AMA (to take place on Telegram this Thursday at 4pm UTC).

:white_check_mark: — Community roles and badge system were finished and are in final review by the team. Perks and maintenance are what is being debated before release.

We’ve also begun designing later stages for the Mars DeFi ecosystem, frameworks for a stablecoin and lending platform, cross-chain communication, etc, but since these are still in essentially theoretical stages, they won’t really be included in weekly updates.

Forward :v:


Noice. I love these progress reports. Keep pumping out the good stuff. Forward. :v::sunglasses:


Amazing team, good work and communication, security is :old_key:… We love your sense of humor btw Brother :slightly_smiling_face:


So hyped for the updates coming this month and beyond. Keep it up!


This is one of the best teams in the industry!
I wasn’t wrong when I felt it when I first saw this project and team!
So bullish. Im never selling my Lands on MARSColony!
As matter fact, it makes me want to buy more but I already bought many! hehe
Thank you team!

PS: Team, can you please reward the early upgraders? I’ve been burning as much $CLNY by upgrading but need some help from others in the community!


@brother @father
I continue to be blown away with the efforts of the team. You guys are hard charging this project to new heights and I’m excited to be a part of this ride. Thank you for the hard work.
It truly shows the dedication from the team to make this project a success. Thank you for the update.