Decide on the game-fi graphics

3D immersive is the end goal but subject to consideration of time, budget and platform.
Will a 3D game overload the browser requiring a standalone app? Which means separate apps for mobile and PC?

A 2D can be the start to crystalize gameplay and thematic strategies, with simultaneous but staggered development of 3D game.
Command and Conquer Vibes.

Suggest that we DO NOT go pixel. 2D games can be immersive and fun as well when coupled with good story, game mech, and play.

As for future 3D route, budget constraints can be met with phase wise 3D development. The first phase can have only basic structures and buildings with land effects.
Then slowly expand and add in more elements such as humans/NFT characters, exploration, PvP, PvE.
The 3D gaming and ā€˜Metaverseā€™ is here to stay imho. Games are evolving and an no point being left behind.

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I voted other and agree with many of these comments about the challenges of full 3d and distracting from the game mechanics. perhaps we should consider an axonometric 3d style like StarCraft 2 or warcraft 3. That graphical style has a sense of realism but also exercises constraint and is somewhat stylized. That would be compatible with the mars planet 3d style which intrigued a lot of us and set the project apart from the endless examples of 2d games which I think is the fear of some.

I voted for 3D. However, if it would require too long a development time, I think 2D is an option.

Agreed, while i voted 3-D, i fear an extensive dev time may kill momentum. A clean 2D look to build ecosystem would be better first, then we can upgrade to 3D in the future when we have more resources.


Guysā€¦ we are not Blizzard nor Ubisoft. We are building a GameFi not a game.

Entering the 3D world could extend development timesā€¦ my vote is for 2D.

Time to market is important. Lets dont lose momentum wasting time with 3d.


I voted 3D for future. But in this time I think 2D is a better choice

While there is no denying that the 3D approach is very appealing, Iā€™m voting for the 2D approach because of these reasons.

  • To reach as wide of a userbase as possible, it is important to consider the hardware requirements that the game would have. A 3D-modeled game would require higher hardware requirements than a 2D-modeled game. Depending on the hardware demand of the game, a 3D-modeled game might require a PC to run or even a native mobile application, which limits who can play the game because not everyone in the world will have these resources, and since Mars Colony is a GameFi platform, which blends DeFi and gamification, (and not a full-fledged game), Mars Colony should be accessible to everyone on any device that is capable of running a web browser.
  • In addition, the effort level to build a 3D-modeled game will be a lot higher than a 2D-modeled game. This means more resources (e.g. time, developers, money) to build the game over a longer period of time. One of the main goals for Mars Colony should be to get a gamified product to market as quickly and as well-executed as possible; building out a 3D product would likely take significantly longer than a 2D product. For these reasons, a 2D product would be quicker to release.

In conclusion, we do not need a 3D-modeled product to be successful. DeFi Kingdoms is a perfect example of how a 2D product can be successful. We donā€™t necessarily have to emulate DeFi Kingdoms exactly, but we can take inspiration from DeFi Kingdoms and Defira (which explores the 4X genre of gaming) to take 2D gamification in our own creative approach for Mars.


2d is fine, 3d will take too many resources/timeā€¦ 2d games have their own beauty to them, Iā€™m fine with just a map like Europa Universalis 4


2D is much easier to execute and just as effective- this is a browser game - you want get something out fast and working. Not to mention lightweight and way more accessible to users.

You can have the planet as 3d but when you manage land etc have it as 2d.

You donā€™t want people waiting for years for some 3D game - the art direction and art and tech art resources needed to ensure consistency in a 3D game is much, much more work for arguably not much gain.


I voted Other to see if thereā€™s consideration for 2.5D building?

My understanding of it is something like: Mohammad Full Stack/2.5D city builder editor - YouTube

I think full 3D would take a big longer to execute well than is necessary, and I think many city-builder games probably utilize something closer to 2.5D?

Just a thought.


If a high quality and addictive experience can be delivered quickly in 2d, I would prefer that for now and maybe years down the road, Change to 3d


I think we can try 2D, then implement 3D later


Even though a 3D top down strategy type game definitely look very good even with low poly art this would make the development harder depending on the team we have available.
So for now, to be on the safe side we should probably go 2D. Thereā€™s still a group of people that actually enjoy 2D and it also has the perk of not needing very demanding hardware.


3D is real utopic rn. This is projects will be OK with 2D graphics. 2,5D is considerable also.


3D all day. Why simple if it can be nice and fun.

I dislike 3D. I think 2d pixel art would be easier especially when it comes to designing generative NFT characters (like DFKā€™s heroes which are all different from each other).

Personally Iā€™d love some pixel characters on a hand drawn background, something similar to old graphic adventures from the 90s. The Dig comes to mind:


I disagree so much with this. 2d is just as attractive to new users as 3d and it actually has many benefits when it comes to accessibility - it loads faster, easier to navigate on small screens, doesnā€™t require as much camera movements and is less prone to lagging. The only benefit I see for 3d is that itā€™s more appealing to some people, but I challenge the misconception that 3d is better than 2d. For me itā€™s the opposite.

When it comes to browser games and mobile games, and especially crypto / NFT games, I personally always choose 2d over 3d if I have a chance to.


Iā€™d lean towards 2d for now but want 3D long term.

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An isometric view would be nice, something like Divinity Original Sin or Disco Elysium. This approach can combine both 3d and 2d worlds nicely. :slight_smile: