Avatar collection, call to all artists [Completed]

Thanks for the kind word @WollyMammoth :wink:

Your drawings are very good - good luck.


I need to think about maybe personalizing helmets or facesā€¦ hmm

Drawing below just for fun - brainstorming:

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Thank you very much for your opinion

Iā€™m sharing with you how it will look like in collection,
Also think to add more attributes like oxygen bottle,some weaponsā€¦etc
Iā€™ll also go dark colors,will add some logos on clothes, also maybe add country flags,
I will probably need help to make all 21k, and if Iā€™ll ask community to help me with collection.
Itā€™s all hand draw in Procreate.


Hey artists: @PixiMan @kubaz @ImpactFrames @WollyMammoth @monobird @Goodvibes, and everyone else who took part in the contest.

All of you did a fantastic job. However, we noticed that some folks created just sketches, while others designed a full-fledged collection. Also, all of you used different styles, making it hard for us to select the winning artist.

We are sharing one last assignment to create a suit for Mars colony avatar. Please refer to this task specification for details.

There is no deadline, and the task is optional, as we want to be mindful of your time. This will help us and hopefully community to select the right artist to design a Martian collection.


I will work on something that follows the new specifications. I will try my best.


Thanks, @ImpactFrames . Should you have any questions, message me or @MARX for clarification.

Hello Martians

As making 21k characters big challenge I decided to collab with Bored Boys Club ( BBC8888)
this is an fantastic artist,full of ideas.
We lately started this a day ago,and come up with this idea.
Will add more attributes,more colors and more exiting things on it.
Plan is to make characters without hamlet, with glass hamlet etc
I promised that Iā€™ll post it today , this is just a few for you to see how it wold look like .


this is some serious artwork, please dont let this slip through your fingers!


Any update on these? my favourite by far at the minute!


Yea this is the one that i would actuallly spend money on it , this is really artistic

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@ImpactFrames. Can you leave your telegram or discord id. We would like to chat with you about the next steps.

Not sure about this one. @MARX what do you think?
As for general update, we shortlisted a few artists and currently reaching out to them.

@kubaz letā€™s have a chat as well.

Letā€™s talk.

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HI @jambamthankyoumaam

Looks like I missed your message. Agree with you on too much cuteness. Weā€™ve come up with the following style for the collection based on the overall graphics we are adding into the game-fi Info\references ā€“ Telegraph

The artist you shared looks good, will check him out with my team/

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@eugenefinch Hello people, I just came across this post today. Regardless of being late to the game, I got inspired and made couple of sketches. Since the artist call has been finalized, my post is just to share another style for possible future projects. I call this design, a ā€œmultipurpose life-support exoskeletonā€. I might model a 3d version of it too. Just a loose sketch, for now, to jot down an idea.


@eugenefinch I donā€™t know where I am going with these posts. But, in any case, here is an iteration of the first concept sketch. Tidier lines, close up of head and shoulders with some background structures. POV through another unit memberā€™s viser.


Hey I saw a youtube in which the guy does exactly that (script for randomness and develops a 10K nft). If you need me to find the clip since he describes the exact recipe how-to, I could always dig it up.

Hi, I missed your message earlier. I have a few days off until Friday :stuck_out_tongue: If anything, write :wink:

Because all land nft are done really low pixelsā€¦itĀ“s maybe good idea do character also really minimallyā€¦many times less is more

and here for example buzz lightyear ( this is not my work)